(2008) This year the BCSIS silent auction & talent show will be held at BCSIS on
Saturday, December 6, 2008 from
12 noon to 5:00 pm.
You are welcome to bring family and friends.
Lunch: This year volunteers will be providing home-cooked food for lunch which will be served in the cafeteria. A small donation
$3.00 for adults and
$1.50 for kids for food is suggested and appreciated.
Bake Sale: Again, volunteers have provided a huge variety of baked goods for you to buy the day of the auction.
Talent Show: 12:30-4:00pmBreak: 30 minute outdoor recess break with Phil from
2:00 - 2:30pmSlideshow: There will be an ongoing slideshow in the cafeteria featuring photographs that Celebrate BCSIS.